Men's Ministries
ALLIANCE MEN: On Saturday mornings, men meet for a great time of intercession for each other and their families. This prayer meeting is in the Fireside Room, and begins each Saturday at 7:00 a.m. All men are invited.
ODD JOBBERS: Every Monday morning, men meet to work around the church buildings and grounds. They meet at 9:00 a.m. and finish by noon. All men are welcome.
VENISON DINNER: In January of each year the Alliance Men sponsor a venison dinner. In addition to a delicious meal, we invite a speaker to talk about hunting, wildlife or other topics of interest to outdoorsmen.
ODD JOBBERS: Every Monday morning, men meet to work around the church buildings and grounds. They meet at 9:00 a.m. and finish by noon. All men are welcome.
VENISON DINNER: In January of each year the Alliance Men sponsor a venison dinner. In addition to a delicious meal, we invite a speaker to talk about hunting, wildlife or other topics of interest to outdoorsmen.